American Freedom Radio - 10th September 2011
American Freedom Radio - 27th August 2011
American Freedom Radio - 23rd July - 2011
TOPICS - fear - importance of keeping true to the Sophia myth and not distorting it,
noting the increase of take up of the Sophia myth in the wider public discourse -
what is myth? - birth and foundation of comparative mythology and its importance to
the discovery of the Sophian myth - J.Campbell pointed towards the future of what
John calls directive or applied mythology - Sophia myth as a unique an open ended myth,
a directive myth - Sophia's correction - Gnostic ideas of divinity, Aeons are not
omniscient - omniscience is a theocratic and patriarchal construction used for
power and control - unexpected things happen, even to Sophia - myth of Sophia
is a story of interactivity with the divine - abrahamic religions, obedience and fear -
Sophia, novelty, freedom, correction - directive power of myth is in the whole story,
not in one element of the story - the whole trajectory of the story is where the power
lies - annunaki story a disinfo scam, a slave species story - nature of the aeons - the
creation of the anthropos in the plermoa - anthropos not designed to deal with the
archons because the anthropos was created before the archons were accidentally
created, accounting for archontic influence was not anticipated in the original template
design of the anthropos - reason why human evil seems to have the advantage, we are
not equipped to deal with the level of deception in our world - why do sociopaths have
the edge? - our disadvantage - secrecy and deception - Sophia myth provides the solution
- correct the deviance that comes from the archontic challenge - the battle to overthrow
secrecy - the answer become ruthless, sacred anger - warriors of Gaia, love of freedom -
protect life and planet from the greatest threat, intra-species predators - use the special
power given by Sophia, the luminous epinoia, to repel the archontic influence - before
the earth was created, anthropos was already seeded - difference between luminous
epinoia and ego referenced fantasy (narcissism), distinction between true imagination
and fantastic imagination - defined, true imagination incorporates HER story - gnostic
use of psychoactive plants to reduce ego, ego death - trans-sentience, merge into sense
beyond self-identity - ego attachment - gnosis defined as full body cognitive ecstacy -
knowing through ecstacy - Planetary Tantra defined - practice of interactivity with the
entire consciousness of the planet - Gaian Tantra Vow - pathology of intra-species
predators backed by the secrecy and deceptions of the archons - Gaian Tantra notion
of power - nous - theocracy and hierachy - initiations in gnostic cells - Christos, Thelete
and Sopia and the SUN - the intercession of the Christos, Mesotes.
August 27 2011 - American Freedom Radio